E-book Formatting



So what is the difference between formatting a manuscript for e-books versus print books?

Print book formatting must be rigid and inflexible – where e-books require flexible formatting because different people prefer to read different sized print.   The “cover” of an ebook is only what would appear on the front cover of a print book.  The back of the book is unnecessary, though the information on the back can be added to the interior if desired by the author.




Here are some basic differences.

  •    PRINT BOOK                                      EBOOK
  • Set to correct size required                Can be submitted in any page size
  • Photos can be imbedded                     Photos must be above or below text
  • Paragraphs can be justified                Paragraphs – aligned left or centered
  • Lines can have any spacing                 Lines should be single spaced
  • Can have headers and footers            NO headers or footers allowed
  • Can have page numbers                      NO page numbers allowed
  • PDF preferred for submission           Must NOT use PDF.
  • Choice of fonts and sizes                     Fonts and sizes should be small
  • Index must be set up manually          Chapter titles can bounce to page

RMK Publications ensures that your print and ebooks both compliment each other and are set up in an attractive, easy to read document.