Business of Writing

Writing as a Profession

New authors have a lot of questions about what publishing means and how they can get their books in print.  There are a lot of aspects of the process that they need to learn – like any job, it has its own language.   Below is a list of topics and pages related to the publishing industry which authors should be familiar with. Feel free to contact RMK Publications if you need further clarification at


The Book is Written – Now What?   – Overview on writing as a profession.

Copyrights, ISBN’s and Barcodes

Coronavirus Challenge

Editing – What Types do You Need?

Prepare Yourself to Self-Publish

Pros and Cons of Traditional vs Self-Publishing

Story Titles – Long?  Short?  or Unique?   Things to think about before you publish.

Writing for Niche Markets    A pathway to multiple streams of income





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