Fil A. Chavez

Amazon #1 Best Seller – see below

Fil A. Chavez began writing in college but the “writing bug” bit him when he won an exclusive weekend at L’Auberge de Sedona, a luxury resort in  Sedona, Arizona, for his First Place winning short story in a Romantic Essay Contest.

He credits his wife, Mary, with lovingly encouraging him to continue to write the book. Important to him were comments she offered after reading early drafts of his book, like, “This is very funny!” and “I’m glad that God saved you for me.” He says that he was also inspired to finish writing the book by a nurse, Stephanie, who he met “by God’s will” when they were in line for their first Covid vaccination. She said: “Your writing style allows the reader to truly feel like they are on this journey, meeting these ‘characters’ with you and Mary. Reading about your encounters is refreshing and  reminds us how powerful simple conversations with strangers can be. I think the concept of this book is delightful and will entertain all types of people.”


Unused Towels is a collection of refreshingly honest, real-life stories based on the author’s fabulously rewarding personal life, coupled with a lengthy, successful professional career in management and consulting.

The chronicles shared in Unused Towels describe inspiring, thought-provoking incidents in his life … some will bring laughter, some will evoke tears, some will elicit deep thinking … some will require no thinking.    Importantly, many of the stories are humorous.  All of them are uplifting and emphasize how great and loving God is.

A few narratives touch on deeply serious topics since one focus of the book is to shed light on suicidal depression. The author offers encouraging thoughts from his own personal experiences with suicidal depression, especially to those who have lost a loved one to suicide and wonder, “Did I miss the clues?” “How could I have not known?”

He adds, “I wrote this book to make a difference in people’s lives, to touch people’s hearts and souls, to help people make a positive difference in how they see them themselves and to make a difference in how they go back into the world to live in their successes and not in their failures. In this regard, the chapter, ‘TOSTI’, is like nothing you’ve likely ever read before since it chronicles my own struggles in an encouraging way.”

The book costs $9.18 in honor of Fil and Mary’s miracle wedding date on September 18TH. He describes this experience in the chapter, “Miracles”.

The book is available on KDP Amazon

Fil A. Chavez was interviewed in the SouthWest Writers online blog.  Click here to view the interview by KL Wagoner.


Over 904 eBooks were ordered during a free Amazon eBook promotion!

Author Fil Chavez writes, “I pray that the book, especially the last chapter “TOSTI,” will get into the hands of those dealing with suicidal depression.   I am pleased that several people found many of the stories uplifting, humorous and/or interesting in the 19 chapters which were included in the book as a counterbalance to the four heavy chapters dealing with depression.

During this process, Amazon listed it as #1 in Happiness, #1 in Death and Grief, and #3 in Personal Transformation.





Kevin J Chavez           5.0 out of 5 stars       This is a book for anyone

Reviewed in the United States on November 26, 2023

I read the book in order to understand one person’s journey. A number of times Fil said that outward appearances do not tell a person’s story. Through his reflection he shared his story, but the point for the reader is not to understand him; rather, it is for the reader to reflect on either themself or to look at others from a different perspective. I think the title says a lot more after reading the book. Thanks for sharing your journey!

Jill Maucher     5.0 out of 5 stars           Eye opening reading for me.

Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2023

Looking at suicide from a different perspective was an eye opening experience for me. Easy reading, like being in the same room with Fil as he shares his stories. Enjoyed it.

SC Reader    5.0 out of 5 stars One Man’s Memories

Reviewed in the United States on November 13, 2023

The book was sent to me as a gift while deployed overseas. It was a thought provoking series of stories from the author’s being raised in central New Mexico. Each story left me with take aways of interactions with friends and family. The book is definitely a keeper for my library. I would recommend it to families with grown children, so that like memories are maintained for posterity.

Amazon Customer   5.0 out of 5 stars Enjoyable

Reviewed in the United States on October 30, 2023

I enjoyed reading this book. I like that if I choose to read one chapter in the middle I can, and then I can go to the front of the book and read another chapter.


M. Russell                 5.0 out of 5 stars                          Great book

Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2023

Self help, introspection in story format. Easy to read.

Rose M Kern         5.0 out of 5 stars                       Life’s triumphs

Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2023

Fil’s book uniquely ties together how his attitudes, relationships and experiences combined to overpower a life threatening despair. With gentle wit he rummages through the closet of his soul and finds beauty still wrapped in ribbons of love which can be used to break away the dark negativity which threatened to push him towards an inescapable void.   I highly recommend it to someone trying to find a light in their darkness.

Lawrence F Lihosit     5.0 out of 5 stars                WELCOME SELF-HELP

Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2022
This is a welcome self-help book which anyone suffering from depression will enjoy. Advice mixed with autobiography lets the reader know that they are not alone.

Michael Biggs          5.0 out of 5 stars                        Great book!

Reviewed in the United States on December 30, 2022
Received this for Christmas, and love it!   A real blessing to read what God gave Mr. Chavez to share from his own life’s experiences. Great insight from lessons learned, with a wonderful mix of humor and seriousness.



“I loved reading the stories and words … brought tears!!  It made me feel like part of this book …”

“I have enjoyed reading your book. I’m sure I’ll be reading the stories again. … (the following comment was from a woman speaking of her husband who took his life) … I hadn’t been around anyone like that before … After reading your book and thinking back, if I had said something things might have been different … Thank you for your book.”

“Hey Fil!  I just ordered 9 books to give to family and friends.  I love it . … I have struggled with depression my entire life.  Am just trying for the first time in decades to do it without pharma, so am feeling lots of feels that have been hiding out for a LONG time.”

(From a veteran friend), “I was lost for 5 ½ years after my tours in Vietnam and Iraq and spent the next 5 ½ years crisscrossing the country on my motorcycle, crashing with friends.  I’ve not told anyone what I just told you; my wife doesn’t even know this.”

“You may have saved some lives very close to you and not even realized it!  I have just read of your pain, anguish, remorse and the range of emotions and events which lead you into the spiral of … depression.  I find myself mixed and moved with feelings and share the pain.  I read your words and saw better what my dad must have been going through before he “transitioned.”  I understand why he sounded so “up” during the last time we spoke over the phone.  I see more clearly why you reacted to some of our recent conversations the way you did.  I want to respond clearly on an emotional level to what I read yet want to “fix” the piece so I can better understand it.  Feeling it alone is not enough.  I have read it through and feel I can only absorb a mere (and meager) portion of the true effort and “Self” you put into it.  I want to read it again because once is NOT enough.  I want to learn more how to “hug” someone long distance.  I want to know how a person who has lost their sense of “self-preservation” and rejects proffered “hugs” can be reached.  Consistency in the part of the helper is not the answer yet emotional yo-yoing does not seem the way either. … THIS IS A MESSAGE WORTH GETTING OUT.

I can well relate to the headlight analogy.  The endless waves of bad news after bad news so that a person can hardly steel themselves before the next onslaught.  It is incomprehensible to us outworlders why the inworldler cannot handle it in the same way we do.  Your words show us the why. … I have learned from your words that I need to listen more carefully.”

“The thing about the book that stood out strongly for me was how important God and Mary are in your life. It’s wonderful that you have strong faith and a woman you love and who loves you. I had that kind of relationship with my wife …it is a miracle.”

“I actually read your book in two half days.  I so enjoyed your stories, especially about your dad, you, Mary, and the others…. But I loved the fact you had all those angels of God on your side, changing your destiny in many unforeseen ways.  For the few times we’ve met up during the years, I would never have had any idea what you were going through – you kept that happy face on always.

I don’t consider your book a self-help book at all – I just don’t care to read any of those books – I always wonder if these writers are a bunch of quacks.  But your book gave me lots to think about in that I need to change some of my attitudes and ways.  I could relate to one of your stories – …

 “Your writing style allows the reader to truly feel like they are on this journey, meeting these ‘characters’ with you and Mary.  Reading about your encounters is refreshing and reminds us how powerful simple conversations with strangers can be.  I think the concept of this book is delightful and will entertain all types of people.”

“While reading your book, I was thinking of my own life where I must have had some guardian angels – …. I always thought I’d amount to nothing because I had no ambition or push to do anything and felt I couldn’t do anything – …we always had problems accepting who we are and what we’ve done.  … still have issues of low self-esteem, especially … but he feels like a failure.  … but we don’t like provocation, we don’t like arguments, we don’t like to attract attention to ourselves, so we let things go, keeping things to ourselves, and most of all, NEVER asking for any help.  That’s just not our nature.  And vice versa in that we offer to help, but never anything specific or no commitments.  I tend to be the listener to all my friends – I assume they call me to vent, but of course, I have to give my opinions, whether they ask or not.  I guess that’s just not a good idea.  When they ask me what’s going on, I say “all’s well”.  I just think there’s no point in burdening my friends with my issues – they can’t do anything about it anyway.  Now I feel like I’m venting to you – you’re my new psychologist! 

 I’m so proud of you in getting on paper your experiences, your ups and downs, the things that matter to you…I’ve always thought about writing about my thoughts, etc. – I actually used to write journals for a couple of years as a help to me when I was divorcing my husband …  I don’t know why I stopped – not enough time in the day, or lost interest – I don’t even know what I did with them – I probably threw them out in that they were my inner, secret thoughts and didn’t want anybody to read them, like a diary – they were not very nice for public consumption!”

… my favorite line … ‘Did I write this?  No, I only held the pencil!’ ”  WOW – SO VERY POWERFUL!!

“… another quote from your book that I found powerful, “Why Am I Writing This, Really?  I wish to write a book that makes a difference in people’s lives, a book that touches people’s hearts, that touches people’s souls, a book that helps people make a difference in how they see themselves, a book that helps them make a difference in how they go back into the world, a book that helps people not live inside their failures but live in their successes, all this without preaching.”

“I love the conversational style of your writing.”

(From a retired police officer whose husband was a firefighter):  “I have a suggestion ….. get your book to police officers – very high suicide rate, especially when they’re forced to retire ….. Being a police officer tends to be a man’s life – he (mainly males) has no hobbies, no family, except for the police – firefighters are the same way.  When they retire, they realize they have nothing to do and made a big mistake in retiring and feel they can’t do any other job but police work.  They get tired of doing the “honey-do” lists and think they’ve wasted their life in retiring.”

I’ve purchased several copies of your book. I will be giving one to a friend of mine whose teenage daughter is struggling. I’m hoping the book will help both of them.

I enjoyed reading all of the short stories. Your Mom and the unused towels is my favorite.

(From a veteran friend), “I was lost for 5 ½ years after my tours in Vietnam and Iraq and spent the next 5 ½ years crisscrossing the country on my motorcycle, crashing with friends.  I’ve not told anyone what I just told you; my wife doesn’t even know this.”

“I love the conversational style of your writing.”

“I actually read your book in two half days.  I so enjoyed your stories, especially about your dad, you, Mary, and the others…. But I loved the fact you had all those angels of God on your side, changing your destiny in many unforeseen ways.  For the few times we’ve met up during the years, I would never have had any idea what you were going through – you kept that happy face on always.”

“I loved reading the stories and words … brought tears!!  It made me feel like part of this book …”

“I think Unused Towels is an unconventionally written memoir that offers unique insights for people in need of that perspective.”

“The thing about the book that stood out strongly for me was how important God and Mary are in your life. It’s wonderful that you have strong faith and a woman you love and who loves you. I had that kind of relationship with my wife …it is a miracle.”

“I don’t consider your book a self-help book at all – I just don’t care to read any of those books – I always wonder if these writers are a bunch of quacks.  But your book gave me lots to think about in that I need to change some of my attitudes and ways.  I could relate to one of your stories – …”

“While reading your book, I was thinking of my own life where I must have had some guardian angels – …. I always thought I’d amount to nothing because I had no ambition or push to do anything and felt I couldn’t do anything – …we always had problems accepting who we are and what we’ve done.  … still have issues of low self-esteem, especially … but he feels like a failure.  … but we don’t like provocation, we don’t like arguments, we don’t like to attract attention to ourselves, so we let things go, keeping things to ourselves, and most of all, NEVER asking for any help.  That’s just not our nature.  And vice versa in that we offer to help, but never anything specific or no commitments.  I tend to be the listener to all my friends – I assume they call me to vent, but of course, I have to give my opinions, whether they ask or not.  I guess that’s just not a good idea.  When they ask me what’s going on, I say “all’s well.”  I just think there’s no point in burdening my friends with my issues – they can’t do anything about it anyway.  Now I feel like I’m venting to you – you’re my new psychologist!”

“I’m so proud of you getting on paper your experiences, your ups and downs, the things that matter to you…I’ve always thought about writing about my thoughts – I used to write journals for a couple of years as a help to me when I was divorcing my husband …  I don’t know why I stopped – I don’t even know what I did with them – I probably threw them out in that they were my inner, secret thoughts and didn’t want anybody to read them – they were not very nice for public consumption!”

“I have enjoyed reading your book. I’m sure I’ll be reading the stories again. … (the following comment was from a woman speaking of her husband who took his life) … I hadn’t been around anyone like that before … After reading your book and thinking back, if I had said something things might have been different … Thank you for your book.”

“Your writing style allows the reader to truly feel like they are on this journey, meeting these ‘characters’ with you and Mary.  Reading about your encounters is refreshing and reminds us how powerful simple conversations with strangers can be.  I think the concept of this book is delightful and will entertain all types of people.”

“ … my favorite line … ‘Did I write this?  No, I only held the pencil!’   WOW – SO VERY POWERFUL!!

… another quote from your book that I found powerful, ‘Why Am I Writing This, Really?  I wish to write a book that makes a difference in people’s lives, a book that touches people’s hearts, that touches people’s souls, a book that helps people make a difference in how they see themselves, a book that helps them make a difference in how they go back into the world, a book that helps people not live inside their failures but live in their successes, all this without preaching.’ ”

From a retired police officer whose husband was a firefighter):  “I have a suggestion ….. get your book to police officers – very high suicide rate, especially when they’re forced to retire ….. Being a police officer tends to be a man’s life – he (mainly males) has no hobbies, no family, except for the police – firefighters are the same way.  When they retire, they realize they have nothing to do and made a big mistake in retiring and feel they can’t do any other job but police work.  They get tired of doing the “honey-do” lists and think they’ve wasted their life in retiring.”

One verbal comment, “Fil, I am still too embarrassed to tell anyone how I feel.  Thank you for talking for me.”

I now have the ten books I ordered –  It’s slow reading because I tend to go back and read passages over and over again!  Very powerful, indeed!!  And so “God centered!”  I love it!!  In fact, I’m thinking I would like to order maybe five more books.

I’ve been reading your book and am up to page 202.  I have enjoyed your funny stories and was touched by the transparency of your experiences in “the valleys of sorrow.”

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