Dragonfly Released

Dragonfly:  Poems of Transformation and Spiritual Guidance

Charming, colorful and free….dragonflies have survived for millenium across the word bringing delight to those who capture a glimpse of them in flight, or perched upon a leaf.

                    hija de la tierra

hija de la tierra

     your ancestors were goddesses and kings

     who ruled across lifespans

     steel town girl

     your ancestors are diminished to barrio dogs and cats

     dogs and cats who roam the alleys of society

     dogs and cats teach us how to live

hija de la tierra

     you were born to reign above the mountains

     you should be born to live in peace


Irene Blea’s book of poetry written across the decades from her youth to middle age offers insights into the world of a young Chicana woman breaking through the expectations of her youth with calmly fierce determination and a drive to succeed.

Click here for more information about Irene Blea and    Dragonfly:  Poems of Transformation and Spiritual Guidance   






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