Monthly Archives: December 2023

Free Book for Christmas!

From author  Fil A. Chavez

A very recent post on Amazon regarding my book, Unused Towels, echoes what the majority of comments sent to me regarding suicidal depression have said, “Looking at suicide from a different perspective was an eye-opening experience for me. Easy reading, like being in the same room with Fil as he shares his stories. Enjoyed it.”  This comment along with the fact that December is the month during which reportedly more suicides occur, especially among the elderly and those living alone, is the reason why I am offering the eBook for free.  I wish to make the book available to as many people as possible.

Irrespective of the month, veterans unfortunately continue to take their lives at unbelievable numbers!  Also, a new group was brought to my attention this last Sunday when it was reported that mothers suffer from postpartum depression at staggering numbers.   “One in seven women experiences postpartum depression (PPD), with more new mothers dying from suicide or overdose than anything else.”

My main objective in writing Unused Towels was to reach out to anyone in the throes of suicidal depression and especially to anyone struggling with how to better understand why a person may be suicidal. The last chapter, TOSTI, tells what worked for me and what did not.

In order to balance the heavy subject of suicide, the book contains many humorous, uplifting, and entertaining stories.

Long story short:  from December 23 to December 27, 2024   the eBook version of Unused Towels will be free.  The link to take advantage of this is:

Please feel free to share this with anyone who you think may find it helpful.  As always, a review on Amazon is appreciated.  (A last-minute Christmas gift?)

Thanks all!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to each of you!


For more information go to Fil’s author page:


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