Monthly Archives: May 2023

RMK Publications Facebook page

Our authors and the books they publish are important to us – we feel a sense of pride in helping them achieve their dreams!

For most authors, the actual writing of the book is the easiest part.  Then there is a decision as to whether or not to try submitting their work to a traditional publishing house, or take on all the work themselves.

They have complete control over how the book is formatted, what the cover looks like, and which printer/marketing entity(s) they want to utilize.  A self-published author’s greatest challenge lies after all that is accomplished – determining what is their best option for marketing their work.

Here at RMK Publications we want to help them along – on this site each of our authors can choose to have their own author page with links to where people can find and order their books.   To help them a bit more, we’ve created a facebook page for them to use to advertise their books as well as any personal appearances they have scheduled.

Here is the link to the RMK Publications Facebook page – check it out!

RMK Publications | Facebook


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