Monthly Archives: March 2022

RMK authors win NMPW awards!

Three  books which use RMK Publications services received awards in this year’s New Mexico Press Women’s Annual Contest.   This contest attracts hundreds of authors each year, so to receive any recognition at all is a big feather in an author’s cap.


Taking 1st Place in the Nonfiction Book: Biography or History category was Margaret Abbey (Ashman) Shannon‘s recounting of her family’s history dating back to the 1400’s in Northhampton, England and following them through their voyage to America in the early 1600’s.  In addition to her family’s adventures, Margaret includes details of the  daily life and customs predominant in that era.  As first place winner, Margaret’s book will be forwarded to the National Press Women’s Competition.



Alan Diehl‘s newly release alternate history novel Kidnap Marilyn took 3rd Place in the Novel Category.  It offers both a story and some hard information about the events surrounding the death of superstar Marilyn Monroe.





Kat-Richter Sand‘s memoir about how she trained her beloved whippet, Abbey, to become a diabetic alert dog received an Honorable Mention in the Autobiography or Memoir Category.  Sometimes the Dog is Smarter is an inspiration to anyone who strives to maintain their health and emotional balance.

All of these books are available on Amazon.  For more information go to their Author Pages.



Protect Yourself!

WARNING to Self-Published authors! Be aware of random phishing phone calls and emails from people who are saying they want to market your books. They say they ‘ve seen your book and they think it is wonderful and they want to take your book and sell copies at big book fairs around the country or market it to movie producers or any number of other things. They talk you into paying them a lot of money and don’t do anything. If this happens to you and you think it might be legitimate be sure to do some due diligence! Ask them for references from other authors (and be sure to look online to see if those authors are for real), see if they have a website. Take their names and contact information. PROTECT YOURSELF!

Several of the authors I work with have been targeted by several of these con artists recently – if you want marketing done look around for people you can trust.

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Member Affiliate of the SouthWest Writers!

Member of the National Federation of Press Women