
 RMK Helps Writers Succeed!

Hundreds of people have a hunger inside their soul to communicate through words a nameless embryonic inspiration, philosophy, memory or opinion.   They spend months or years pouring their hearts and talent into creating a manuscript.  You long to have your work published so you begin the arduous and lengthy process of trying to find an agent, or a traditional publisher who will see the beauty of your work and publish it, only to receive nothing but rejection letters.  Traditional publishers only want books they feel will sell a minimum of 500,00 copies – a “sure thing”.  This makes submissions by new authors very rare.

An option that has become reliably and easily available during the last decade is self-publishing.   What you need is a completed manuscript and someone to help with creating a book cover.  That’s where we come in.  A concierge is a personal assistant.  Concierge publishers offer you the whole world of services from editing, formatting, marketing, cover designs and more…at a price.  Traditional Publishers also handle everything and in return take 60% or more of the royalties received from sales of the book.  Concierge publishers vary wildly in their pricing structures.  Many of them will offer to do everything for fee paid in advance as well as a smaller continuing payment taken from royalties.

Most small publishers will insist on keeping control of the funds which come from your book sales.  RMK Publications helps you set up your accounts with the entities chosen to print and market your books so that any and all sales are deposited directly into your bank account.

RMK Publications offers specific services for a one time only fee.  Authors who work with us have determined what they need, they just need a little help in a couple areas.   We are your personal assistant for getting your work published.  We can help you with books, ebooks, picture books, or chapbooks.  Our personnel have experience in many genres from memoir, poetry, self-help,  romance, science fiction, mystery, how-to and more.

We are at YOUR service!

RMK Publications is a concierge self-publishing service.  We help authors with a completed manuscript upload it to either KDP Amazon, Ingram Spark, or 48 Hour Books.  Our services include:

  • Walk authors through the process to set up their accounts with the printer/publishers

  • Explain all the marketing and uploading elements required by the companies

  • Explain elements of copyright and ISBN requirements

  • Assist authors with copyrighting their work

  • Obtain and register ISBNs and barcodes

  • Format the books and book covers to fit the desired book size requirements

  • Create book covers

  • Follow the book through the proof stage, re-uploading as necessary through to final publication

  • Explaining online pricing and distribution options

  • Advertise their books on the RMK Publications website

Whether your book is a full length novel, a book of poetry, a children’s book or a chapbook, we can help!

Click here for more information.








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